"Gayle" is Not Hate Speech
This happens fairly often as it turns out. I've hit this issue on AOL, Microsoft's theSpoke.com, planes with games on their lcd screens, etc.
I have to wonder though. Suppose my last name were "Straighth", would I be banned as often? Why is "gay" considered hate speech?
(PS: I would check if WyldRyde banned "Straighth", but it's banned my computer completely. Anyone want to check any find out?)
How Not To Do Customer Support
Anyway, I get the usual "thank you for your email" auto-response. Then, two hours later, I get this:
Thank you for your patience. The issues you have experienced have been corrected, and you may now create, edit, and manage your invitation as desired. If you experience any further difficulties, you may alleviate this by deleting the cookies and clearing your browser’s cache, as they may still contain the error page information. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you. If we can further assist you, please contact us.Uhh, no, it hasn't been fixed. In fact, judging from the non-sensicalness of the response, they didn't even read my email. What this means is:
- They have an auto-response, on a time delay, saying that they've fixed the issue when they haven't done squat.
- Some minion clicks a button to say that they're fixed issues when they haven't done squat.
Funnily enough, this response probably actually works a good percentage of the time out of the pure flakiness of their site.
By contrast, I've had pretty good experience with customer support at other companies:
- Facebook: Once Seattle Anti-Freeze exceeded about 1500 members, we could no longer send messages to the group or invite the group to an event. Facebook employees Luke Shepard and Paul McDonald got those limits raised. Thanks guys!!
- Pingg: I've written in feature / bug requests. Their support team has promptly responded with well thought out responses.
- MyPunchBowl: After I posted about MyPunchBowl, the founder emailed me - within hours.
- Zoji.com: I have exchanged numerous emails with the founders.
Google App Engine - Caching and Downtimes (Rant)
"We will be taking memcache offline tomorrow morning from 9-10am PST (GMT-8) for routine maintenance. Calls to the memcache API will *not* throw exceptions but will instead return false for set() calls and None for get() calls (just like any other cache miss.) Your app should continue serving normally during this period, andGoogle writes this as though it's "no biggie - we're just disabling caching for an hour - your app will operate as normal".
we'll keep you updated on our progress."
If you've used App Engine, you know how ridiculous that is. You can't operate an App Engine site without lots and lots of caching.
App Engine takes your generous daily quota and divides it up into tiny little minute or second long quotas. Their logic is something like this:
- You can eat 2000 calories in one day.
Hurray! That's a lot of food! - It's good to pace yourself and not eat it all at once.
Absolutely. You wouldn't want to pig out on breakfast and not be able to eat anything else all day. - Therefore, we will only let you eat 1.4 calories per minute.
Well, f*ck. Pass me two thirds of a tic tac?
Now, Google could have mitigated this by removing the absurdly small quotas temporarily. CareerCup would have run slowly, but at least it would have run. Instead, though, users get punished for expensive-ish queries, with no chance to avoid it. Not cool.
This brings me to my next point:
Google, if you're going to take down people's sites, can you pick a better time than 9am - 10am? Try, perhaps, 2am - 3am? I know you don't want to come into work at 2am. I know it's not really Google culture to tell a team that they have to be at work and away from their families 2am. But you have to. You have real users operating real businesses, many of which are a whole lot bigger than CareerCup. We depend on you to keep our websites up.
Google: Don't act like taking down memcache doesn't disable our sites. And don't disable our sites at 9am when you could've done this 2am.
Talkinator & The Value of Feedback
I realize I might be the only post-1995 site to want a chatroom, but it's actually rather useful. For example, when people are discussing, say, Microsoft Interview Questions, they'll jump in the chatroom to discuss problems. This use was expected.
The more interesting use-case was simply feedback. People hesitate feedback via email, or even through anonymous forms. They will, however, jump in a chatroom and complain. I've discovered a number of bugs this way.
A Googly Peek into Racism
The most frustrating part is that people don't even see the racism and sexism. A Google coworker who had a "Hillary Nutcracker" displayed in his office window - he probably didn't think about how that's dripping with sexism. Nor did the Republican friend who asked online for one good thing that "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" has ever done. Nor does the other friend who asserts that Colin Powell only endorsed Barack Obama because he's black.
We don't see these things because we see them all too often. We've become immune to it. It's time that we wake up and call these things out for the racist, sexist acts that they are.
Top 10 Best Microsoft Interview Questions
So, without further ado, I present the the Top 10 Best Microsoft Interview Questions:
Microsoft Interview Question #10
Given two nodes in a binary tree, find the first common parent node. You are not allowed to store any nodes in a data structure.
Microsoft Interview Question #9
Simulate a 7 sided die using a 5 sided die.
Microsoft Interview Question #8
How long would it take to sort 1 billion numbers?
Microsoft Interview Question #7
Given two sets of objects, S1 and S2, write an algorithm to determine their subset relationship. Eg, which of the following is true: C1 is a subset of C2, C2 is a subset of C1, C1 equals C2, or none of these?
Microsoft Interview Question #6
Given a value in a binary search tree, print all the paths (starting from the root or any other node) which sum up to that value.
Microsoft Interview Question #5
Imagine there is a square matrix with n x n cells. Each cell is either filled with a black pixel or a white pixel. Design an algorithm to find the maximum subsquare such that all four borders are filled with black pixels.
Microsoft Interview Question #4
How would you divide an integer array into 2 sub-arrays such that their averages were equal?
Microsoft Interview Question #3
Given two binary trees T1 and T2 which store character data, write an algorithm to decide whether T2 is a subtree of T1. T1 has millions of nodes and T2 has hundreds of nodes, and each may have duplicates.
Microsoft Interview Question #2
Implement boggle: Given an NxN matrix, print a list of all words that appear in the matrix. To find a word, you can move left, right, up or down, as long as you do not use the same letter twice. For example, if the matrix were:
You could find the words: WAR, WARD, DRAW and RAW
Microsoft Interview Question #1
Design a webcrawler.
In Honor of the VP Debates...
John McCain: 158,000 hits in 2001
Joe Biden: 3,240 hits in 2001
Barack Obama: 671 hits in 2001
Sarah Palin: 0 hits in 2001.
Despite being mayor of a small town, the internet had not even heard of her in 2001. I'm not sure if that says more about Palin or Google...
Bye-Bye Evite - Maybe
I heard so many people state that evite has no switching costs. Not true. The switching costs are huge and possess a scary unknown factor: Will people RSVP or not?
Drink for the Cure / Bid for the Cure - Charity Auction
Drink for the Cure / Bid for the Cure - Charity Auction
Oct 1, 2008 at 8pm (Location TBD - Belltown / Downtown)
Every three minutes, a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. One out of every eight American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. Seattle Anti-Freeze invites you to make a difference.If you have something you could donate, I'd really appreciate it :-). Click here (or just shoot me an email).
On Oct 1st, please join Seattle Anti-Freeze members for a silent auction to benefit Susan G. Komen foundation. Mix & mingle - drink & bid.
There is no cost for this event, but donations at the event for the Susan G. Komen foundation are, of course, appreciated.
Got something cool, funky, unique or useful that you'd be willing to part with? It doesn't have to be anything fancy - all donations are appreciated! In return, you receive good karma, and two free tickets to a Seattle Anti-Freeze event of your choosing.
Want to come? Join the Seattle Anti-Freeze list.
Seattle Geek Girl Dinners
The second dinner is coming up on Thursday, September 11 and will be hosted by Amazon.
Our 2nd dinner is right around the corner! Amazon.com is hosting, and will be presenting on some of the key technologies they are developing.Website | Facebook Group
Thank you Amazon!
The date is Thursday, Sept 11 at 5:30pm.
To register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/158982521
We also need help with finding sponsors, and are looking for your ideas on making this a great opportunity for local technical women to meet.
Skip School - Get an Ankle Bracelet
The authorities will be able to track San Antonio students with a history of skipping school using ankle bracelets with Global Positioning System monitoring. Linda Penn, a justice of the peace, said she expected that some 50 students would wear the devices in a six-month pilot program. The American Civil Liberties Union criticized the plan, but Ms. Penn linked truancy with later criminal activity. “We can teach them now or run the risk of possible incarceration later on life,” she said. “I don’t want to see the latter.”You're going to give kids ankle bracelets? To do what, exactly? It's not like you don't know if they skip school - the morning roll call already does that. It will, however, ensure that they're treated like criminals.
Forbes: College Ranking FAIL
Let's look at how the Ivy League - the group of schools America loves to hate - fared in the newest contest:
College | US News | Forbes |
Princeton | #1 | #1 |
Harvard | #2 | #3 |
Yale | #3 | #9 |
Columbia | #9 | #10 |
Brown | #14 | #27 |
Penn | #5 | #61 |
Cornell | #12 | #121 |
Dartmouth | #11 | #127 |
Yes, that's right - Wabash College (#12) and Centre College (#13) are all better than half of the Ivy League.
While I firmly believe that one can get a great education anywhere, something is just not right about these rankings.
It becomes quite apparent when you look at Forbes' methodology:
(1) Listing of Alumni in the 2008 Who's Who in America (25%)
Ironically, Forbes' itself wrote an article ("The Hall of Lame") criticizing that it "appears to contain a lot of relatively unaccomplished people who simply nominated themselves..." Apparently, the majority of those who apply are selected. Anyone want to be in Who's Who? Think of how you'll help your college!(2) Student Evaluations of Professors from RateMyProfessors.com (25%)
Students' input about professors to RateMyProfessors is limited to four criteria: Clarity, Easiness, Helpfulness and Hotness. Nowhere in there do the students provide information about how much they learned. And this accounts for a whopping 25% of Forbes' rankings? At least Forbes decided not to include "hotness" as a criteria.(3) Four- Year Graduation Rates (16 2/3%)
This criteria appears a tad more fair. But still, what about a school which has a large number of students pursuing double majors, simultaneous masters degrees, etc? Some school encourage these sorts of academic challenges which would drop their four year graduation rate, while other schools effectively prohibit it.(4) Enrollment-adjusted numbers of students and faculty receiving nationally competitive awards (16 2/3%)
For once, I have no complaint about this criteria. Ok, ok, maybe just one: is the sample statistically size fair?(5) Average four year accumulated student debt of those borrowing money (16 2/3%)
For the 64% of students who do borrow money for school, leave it to them to decide if going into debt is worth it.Forbes should be embarrassed by their list. 50% of the rankings are derived from extremely unreliable sources, and another 16.6% is a financial consideration that is best left up to each individual student. If you took their list seriously, you would be led to believe that a small, liberal college is the only place to get a solid education in this country.
This is like ranking cars based on the average debt of its owners.
What's really shocking about this list is that no one at Forbes took a glance at this list and said, "Hey, guys, did we really mean to put Hampden-Sydney College over 250 spots above NYU?"
Shame on Forbes. I'd expect better statistics from such a source.
Time Calls Rape Case "Sexy and Surreal"
In an odd - if not shocking - choice of words, Time Magazine describes the details as "sexy and surreal". Instead of calling it rape, Time calls it "forcibly having sex." It's also called a "sex scandal."
So how could Time possibly describe an abduction and rape this way? The rapist was a woman and the victim was a man.
Rape is not sex and it is never, ever, sexy.
A Creationist Explains the Male Sex Drive
I believe God, in order to make certain that the human race would continue on, made sex one of most powerful desires known to mankind. But here’s the problem. If a guy created a baby every time he had sex and he had to take care of each and every baby and it’s mother for the next 20 years of his life and… THERE WAS NO PLEASURE IN THE ACT… how many guys would have sex? None! You think God didn’t know that? Of course he did. So, he had to make the desire for sex so pleasurable that most guys would do just about anything to have sex, baby or no baby. That way the generations would go on and on.If the (alleged) difference in men's and women's sex drives is just God achieving population control, couldn't an omniscient, omnipotent God achieve this in other ways? Compared with creating the earth and the sun, tweaking fertility rates should be relatively easy.
But the problem is, what if he made both men and women with the same desire? What if all men and women had the same intensity sexually as men? What would happen to our society? We’d never get anything done. We’d have so many babies it would overrun the Earths capacity. It would be terrible.
But on the other hand, what if both men and women had the same sexual intensity as most women? What would happen to our society then? We’d die out in one generation.
Somehow, I find the evolutionary explanation a lot easier to follow...
BRADvite - Another Evite Alternative
First Glance
BRADvite.com pops up with a loading screening. Literally - the background says "loading" all over it. It's sort of distracting. And then in the center, there's a picture of a guy talking on his cell phone. Brad, is that you? Why are you hanging out in the middle of the screen?
Invitation Themes
The various background images load relatively quickly in the background. Options include waterfalls, oceans, leafs, classical music sheet, etc. But my party is a toga party. On a boat. With a DJ. And drinking. As beautiful as a waterfall is, it has absolutely nothing to do with my party, nor does it express the "fun party" vibe. A picture of a keg would be more appropriate.
Tucked away in a corner is a little button to change the main image: a rose, secret service cartoon drawing, asian-style flowers, a man fighting off an elephant, aliens, etc. And, of course, a picture of our new friend Brad on a cell phone. Again, none of these match "toga party". Or even, say, a birthday / Christmas / Halloween party.
At least registration is fairly painless. It just asks me name and email address. The registration email didn't actually work, but they fixed that for me pretty quickly.
Event Details & Sending Invitation
I can't specify the time for the party. 'Nuff said.
Email Invitation
At least the email invitation is clean, elegant and provides useful information: host name, email address, date, location, and invitation details. To open the invitation, I see three links: View Comments | Click here to RSVP | Click for Map.
Yikes. I just want to open it. Shouldn't I be able to view comments and RSVP at the same time? And why not put "Click for map" next to the address, where it's most relevant and out of the way?
After the Invitation Is Sent
Host options are limited. I can edit the text of the invitation after I've sent the invitation, but not the background or main image. I can't export the guest list. I can't see when people RSVPd. There's no integration with Google Calendar or Outlook. I can't message guests.
The limitations of BRADvite are fairly significant, so I won't reiterate them. There is a more interesting point to be made.
Brad of BRADvite is clearly focusing on high quality images. Good. Far too many websites underestimate the importance of their user interface. The issue is that while the images are high quality, they don't very well match what the user wants to do. Brad needs to create user scenarios, such as the following:
- Mary: 50 year old mother who is creating an invitation for her husband's 50th birthday party. It's a dinner party for 20 guests at their house.
- AEPi: Fraternity which is inviting a sorority to their winter formal
- Jake: 20 year old boy, soon to be 21. He's throwing a party for his 21st birthday in Las Vegas.
- Gayle: throws large monthly parties with thousands of invited guests. (Hey, I had to throw myself in there.)
Issues like this aren't limited to BRADvite, of course. Websites of all kinds need to stop thinking in the abstract "I am a website which provides [invitations, job listing, etc]" and start thinking concretely about exactly what problems they're trying to solve.
Cuil - The Next "Google Killer"?
- It was founded by Ex-Googlers
- They claim to have a larger web-page index than Google
How Do You Know That?
Google doesn't release the size of its index.
What Does That Mean?
How did they count the size of Google's index? If two urls have identical content, are those the same page? What if the content is merely very similar? Suppose the only difference is that Google isn't indexing the duplicate pages (or, say, the spammy pages), does it matter that Cuil's index is bigger?
Bigger isn't better. I thought we'd learned that back in the late 90s. For most queries, it doesn't matter if the search engine returns 30 results or 1000. You' generally don't go past the 3rd page. What really matters is the ranking of the pages. If the page you wanted is on the 15th page, it might as well not be there at all.
How Cuil Actually Stacks Up:
- Pros: Slick and pretty. The content drill down is nice - although it doesn't always display relevant things. I also like having the page numbers locked at the bottom so that I don't have to scroll.
- Cons: Ranking of results is unclear. There's 3 columns and the rows don't line up with each other. When I'm trying to actually find a good page, I'm not sure where to read.
- Pros: Speedy
- Cons: Searches frequently fail. I got "no results" when I tried searching for "Google Talk". I tried the same search a second time and it worked.
- Selection Criteria for Sample Queries: All queries were selected from my Google Web History, and were queries in which I was attempting to answer a question.
- Query #1 (an error I am getting with Google App Engine): error 403 cpu quota exceeded
- Cuil: No Results
- Yahoo: #1 Result is Google App Engine article about it
- Google: #1 Result is a Google Group question about this. #3 (or #5) is the Google App Engine article
Winner: with Google as a close second.
Answer: Common Error. Try using python's profiling. - Query #2: send pdf to kindle
- Cuil: Show articles mentioning that you can do this, but not telling me how.
- Yahoo: #1 Result is a discussion about it.
- Google: #1 Result is a link to Amazon explaining how to do this.
Winner: Google
Answer: Your Kindle has an email address that you email the pdf to. - Query #3: 99 luftballoons translation
- Cuil: #1 Result is a translation
- Yahoo: #1 Result is someone asking for a translation
- Google: #1 Result is a translation
Winner: Cuil & Google (tie).
Answer: It's about war. And red balloons. :-) - Query #4: "imagine no religion" billboard seattle
- Cuil: No results
- Yahoo: #1 Result is blog post mentioning it. #2 Result is press release about it.
- Google: #1 Result is press release about it. #2 Result is blog post mentioning it.
Winner: Google, with Yahoo as a close second
Answer: This billboard was put up by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. - Query #5: percent female math majors in US
- Cuil: No results
- Yahoo: #1 is a seemingly-relevant but dead link. #2 also seems relevant, but not a direct answer. #3 is about carbon monoxide levels at death. Hmm...
- Google: #1 is related article that contains an answer to the question. #2 is a very relevant study, and the summary (which is as far as I read) indirectly answers the question. #3 is about a particular school's gender ratio.
Winner: Google.
Answer: 48% of math majors in the US are female. - Bonus Query: cuil
While Cuil may claim to have a larger search index, the number of "no result" searches certainly suggest lesser web coverage. The flashy interface is mostly just that - flashy. It's pretty, but the three column layout leave your eyes wandering all over the page unsure of which result is meant to be the most relevant. A more cynical person might even suggest that the three column layout helps mask the fact that Cuil may not know an appropriate ranking.
If you want to get real traction as yet-another-search-engine, you'd better attack a different market from Google (or Baidu in China, or Yahoo in Japan, etc) or you'd better be substantially better than Google. Just being better isn't good enough, and Cuil has a long way to go even on that end.
Joel Spolsky: "Don't Hide or Disable Menu Items"
Instead, leave the menu item enabled. If there's some reason you can't complete the action, the menu item can display a message telling the user why.Yikes. It's really better to leave all the menu items enabled and pop up annoying error messages (which people probably won't read) about why you can't click it? No, no, no. There's nothing more annoying when you're trying to figure out how to do something than to click on one menu item after another only to be told you can't do that. I'd much rather have my options narrowed down to the ones I can use.
My recommendation: If the user can't use a menu item, disable it and, if possible, add hover text explaining why it's disabled. Avoid error messages, as users get angry and confused at them. If being able to use a MenuItemA is dependent on enabling SettingB, keep MenuItemA enabled and tell the user "In order to do A you have to enable B. Would you like to do that now? Yes | No."
Interestingly, he doesn't even follow his own advice with his product FogBugz:
- Screenshot #1 - Disabling Menu Items: The "Status" field is disabled because I'm in "edit" mode. Right. I don't know why I would have expected to be able to edit the status while editing the bug .
- Screenshot #2 - Hiding Menu Items: When you go into "Resolve" mode, you can now edit Status. Oh goody. Wait, how come my only options are "Responded", "Won't respond", "SPAM", etc? What ever happened to good ol' fashioned "Fixed" and "Working on"? Ah, of course. I have to go back to Edit Bug, change Category from "Inquiry" to "Bug", Save, then go to Resolve. Now I can see other options for Status. Makes perfect sense...
Albanian Sworn Virgins
The sworn virgin was born of social necessity in an agrarian region plagued by war and death. If the family patriarch died with no male heirs, unmarried women in the family could find themselves alone and powerless. By taking an oath of virginity, women could take on the role of men as head of the family, carry a weapon, own property and move freely.When traditional Albanian culture accepts sworn virgins as men - complete with men's responsibilities and duties - it is actually demonstrating a belief that women are just as capable as men. Why, then, do you have such strictly defined gender roles? Is it solely due to religion?
A few other thoughts:
On Transgender vs. Homosexuality
Taking an oath to become a sworn virgin should not, sociologists say, be equated with homosexuality, long taboo in rural Albania.This line sort of caught me off guard. Next time you write about, say, theatre, why don't you just throw in a line like "but enjoying theater should not be equated with homosexuality." Gender identity and sexual orientation are very different things.
On Gender Pronouns
Normally, one should use "he" to refer to people who were born female but identify as male, yet this article uses "she." Is this ignorance on the part of the reporter to this "rule", an inability to accept a different custom, or do sworn virgins continue to use the female pronouns? Given the thoroughness with which they are treated as men (including use of the word "uncle"), I'm inclined to believe that they use the male pronouns. So why didn't the article?
On the Future of Sworn Virgins
As women gain more rights, the incentives to become a sworn virgin become less and less. Some of the remaining sworn virgins, however, appear to encourage the same gender roles that pushed them into becoming men:
“Today women go out half naked to the disco,” said Ms. Rakipi, who wears a military beret. “I was always treated my whole life as a man, always with respect. I can’t clean, I can’t iron, I can’t cook. That is a woman’s work.”
Father-Daughter Purity Balls
The girls, ages early grade school to college, had come with their fathers, stepfathers and future fathers-in-law last Friday night to the ninth annual Father-Daughter Purity Ball. The first two hours of the gala passed like any somewhat awkward night out with parents, the men doing nearly all the talking and the girls struggling to cut their chicken.
For the Wilsons and the growing number of people who have come to their balls, premarital sex is seen as inevitably destructive, especially to girls, who they say suffer more because they are more emotional than boys. Fathers, they say, play a crucial role in helping them stay pure.
Between STDs and pregnancy, it's great if a girl chooses abstinence. However, the Father-Daughter Purity Ball is saying so much more than that. It's specifically fathers and specifically daughters. If purity is so important, where are the sons? Is virginity not important for boys? If it's about encouraging virtue, why aren't the mothers there supporting their daughters?
Instead of encouraging girls to respect and value their bodies, this propagates a distorted world view in which boys are the blameless aggressors, girls are the guardians of purity, and their strong, manly fathers must protect from those silly boys. After all, boys are boys - can they really be expected to keep their d*ck in their pants? Better make that the girl's responsibility.
“Fathers, our daughters are waiting for us,” Mr. Wilson, 49, told the men. “They are desperately waiting for us in a culture that lures them into the murky waters of exploitation. They need to be rescued by you, their dad.”Indeed, rather than encouraging a girl to choose abstinence, this promotes the idea of a girl being unable to make her own decisions about her body and needing a man to make the decisions for her. Guess who's going to make the decisions when she gets a boyfriend?
Furthermore, purity balls like this one can be counterproductive as parents are unlikely to educate their children on safe sex:
Recent studies have suggested that close relationships between fathers and daughters can reduce the risk of early sexual activity among girls and teenage pregnancy. But studies have also shown that most teenagers who say they will remain abstinent, like those at the ball, end up having sex before marriage, and they are far less likely to use condoms than their peers.Parents: Encourage your children to wait to have sex. That's great. But encourage all of them equally - boys and girls. And, just in case the kids don't listen (as kids are known to do) teach them about condoms and safe sex. Preparing for the "what if" scenario is just common sense.
Argentina Safety Regulations
My apartment building, like many others here, actually requires a key to exit. Yes, that's right - in order to get out of my building and onto the street, I have to unlock the building door with a key. Crazy. And dangerous. Picture what would happen in a fire: the tenants all rush to the door, and the person at the front doesn't have a key. Even if they're lucky and someone passes them a key, the stampede of people rushing the door could make it impossible to open. The U.S. vividly learned its lesson on exit doors in 1911; Argentina has not.
This weekend, at a club called Crobar, I noticed another regulation that is apparently missing here in Argentina: railings. The bar probably had about five feet of standing room and then a two foot drop into the dance floor. As you might imagine, with people pushing to get a drink, it's very easy to fall off the ledge. A club in the U.S. would put a railing between the ledge and the dance floor, but why would you do a silly thing like that in the land of no negligence?
You know, maybe lawyers do add value to the world?
Why I left Google
I loved Google. It's a fantastic company, particularly for engineers. You're driving the products, it's growing quickly, and you get to solve challenging problems all the time. I learned a ton and I'm really glad I had that experience.
But, with three years at Google and four internships between Microsoft and Apple, the experience I'm missing is a startup.
With that said, let me answer some questions:
Q: So, now that you're not there, you can tell me what you were working on, right?
No, silly, that's not how NDAs work! :-) I'll let you know when it ships though.
Q: Well, what are you doing now?
At this very moment? Sitting in a hotel room in Buenos Aires. I'll be in Buenos Aires for the next three months, learning Spanish, drinking wine, eating good food, and playing around with some startup ideas. I'll be back in Seattle on August 1 and I'll eventually join a startup.
Got suggestions about what to do in Buenos Aires? Let me know!
Q: What startup will you be joining?
I'm not sure. Since I wanted to travel for a few months, I really had to do that first and then look once I get back to Seattle.
But... if you have suggestions, here's what I'm looking for:
- Project management / business role at a small company, or development for a startup
- Seattle based (or allow me to work remotely). I like Seattle and I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon.
- Ideally consumer or mobile apps, but I'm open to other ideas.
April Fools Day
I think this is my favorite testimonial:
Note the investment banker part. Tee hee :-)"I used to be an honest person; but now I don't have to be. It's just so much easier this way. I've gained a lot of productivity by not having to think about doing the 'right' thing."
Todd J., Investment Banker
Planned Parenthood of VA Losing State Funding
Here's the thing that gets me: the US claims to have a separation of church and state. However, we still fund faith-based charities and educational institutions. Sure, the government will only fund the non-religious activities, but doesn't that seem like a somewhat silly distinction? If you give a $1000 to a church's homeless program, you free up $1000 of the church's money that they can then use to expand their religious activities.
Despite the separation of church and state, we are essentially funding religious institutions on the grounds that one service they provide is worthwhile. Other services (eg, religion) provided by the religious institution are unconstitutional to fund. We still fund the institution.
Planned Parenthood of Virginia provides many services with goals that Pro-Lifers would support. They offer contraception to prevent abortion, STD testing to save lives, etc. Yet, because law makers simply don't like one service (which is perfectly legal to fund), they revoke funding for all of these services.
Where's the logic? Why does a church get funding because of one service even though it's unconstitutional to fund another, while Planned Parenthood loses funding for all services because law makers morally oppose one (legal and constitutional) service?
StickKing to Commitments
By this logic, self-improvement goals should be easy because there is no other party to cooperate with. There's only your goal to lose weight, your goal to exercise more, your goal to spend more time with your children, etc. The benefits to you in all cases are clear. So why do so many people struggle with keeping such commitments?
In many ways, your short-term self (ST) and your long-term self (LT) are different parties. LT would love to look better in a swimsuit for summer by shedding 20 pounds, but ST would really like that slice of cheesecake. The long duration of the goal, the more LT and ST clash.
StickK helps to align ST and LT's goals by imposing simple penalties when ST starts to stray. Here's how it works (for, say, weight loss)
- You enter in your current weight, height and target weight
- You give a time frame in weeks, with a maximum weight loss of two pounds per week.
- You offer a monetary penalty of, say, $100 per week and either a charity or anti-charity recipient.
Charities: American Red Cross, CARE, Doctors without Borders, Feed the Children, Freedom from Hunger, Multiple Sclerosis Society, UNICEF, and United Way.
Anti-Charities: NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation, Americans United for Life, Freedom to Marry, Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, NRA Foundation, Nature Conservancy, and The National Center for Public Policy Research. - You choose to either have the goal "on your honor" or to have friends referee you.
- Each week, you (or your referees) log in to track your progress. If you're on track, great! Otherwise, well, there goes your $100.
Just one gripe: selecting an anti-charity as a recipient feels a little strange - even unethical - to me. Sure, donating to a group that I strongly oppose, such as a Pro-Life organization, might offer additional motivation, but helping a Pro-Life organization is directly hurting a Pro-Choice organization. It doesn't feel right to me to have my failures unnecessarily impact the pro-choice movement or another group that I support.
Abstinence-Only Driver's Ed
ABSTINENCE-ONLY DRIVER'S ED.Read the full thing. It's good. :-)
Thanks for making it out on a rainy Saturday, kids. Slippery out there, huh? Let's get started. We're gonna have some fun today!
Car accidents are a leading cause of death for teenagers. The school board and your elected representatives want to make sure that you and your families are spared from such a tragedy, which is why the money for driver's ed was eliminated from the budget. Whereas last year I was teaching your older siblings how to shift and brake and three-point-turn during a six-week course, it has since been decreed that I actually need just one afternoon to tell you the only piece of safety information I'm permitted by law to share:
The ONLY 100 percent effective method for avoiding car accidents is to ABSTAIN from driving until marriage.
Apples vs. Oranges: Sexism vs. Racism
Hillary Clinton: Stop Running for President and Make Me a Sandwich"Dedicated to keeping Hillary Clinton out of the Oval Office and in the kitchen"
Racism vs. Sexism
Much as I enjoy my little urban bubble where I don't hear extreme racist or sexist remarks on a daily basis, a quick perusal of Facebook shows me that that's woefully not the case. Any large group quickly turns into a discussion of why {insert race, gender, sexual orientation} sucks. Oops - did I say discussion? I meant punctuation-less rant, LOLs and all. Racism and sexism permeate our society in advertisements, jokes, and in each and every person's minds.
Though they both permeate our society, racism and sexism are different beasts. They have different histories, different present day struggles, and different futures.
Historically, black people have won certain rights before women - namely, the right to vote. Black people won the right to vote in 1870, while women didn't receive this for another fifty years. Additionally, if my college legal professor is to be believed, the Anti-Discrimination Act of 1977 only narrowly added in the gender clause. The ADA was really targeting at eliminating racial discrimination - protection for genders was afterthought.
While black people obtained certain rights before women, the struggles were very different. Black people were slaves - (white) women in this time period may have very limited freedom, but there was still pressure to "respect" women. The civil rights movement was marked with more violence than the women's rights movement.
Present Day
Currently, at least in my urban bubble, sexism is more condoned than racism. Take, for example, that facebook group (which I sadly discovered one of my own family members joining) and let's flip it around to race. Which would be more offensive:
Hillary Clinton: Stop Running for President and Make Me a SandwichI'd argue the second one would be more likely to elicit a jaw-dropping response, whereas the first one might get a little chuckle. Racism is a big no-no, but sexism is kind of ok. [Disclaimer: I've never lived in the rural south. Things might be very different in other parts of the country.]
Barack Obama: Stop Running for President and Go Pick Me Some Cotton
Let's look at the stereotypes facing each group:
Black People: Lazy, Violent, Unintelligent / uneducatedWhat's interesting is that while black people and women both face some sort of "stupid" stereotype, the tone of it is a little different. According to the stereotype, black people are uneducated whereas women are educated and yet un-opinionated (they don't really "think" about things).
Women: Irrational, Emotionally Weak, Un-opinionated
Races blend, but genders do not (generally speaking). What steretypes would a person who is 1/4 Black and 1/2 Chinese and 1/4 Caucian experience? People are not, generally speaking, part-male and part-female. Gender has a strict binary divide: you're either male or female. There is no such divide for race.
Socially, we might eventually treat different races equivalently but we will never treat genders equivalently. The fact is that the vast majority of the world is attracted to either men or women, but not both. You might regard a black, hispanic, asian, etc person as "just anyone", but men will identified as men and women will be identified as women. Gender will always be a thought that is front and center in your mind.
The flip side of the social point is that even if you're a man who thinks women are stupid / crazy / some other offensive stereotype, you still probably want them around (unless you're gay, that is - I wouldn't want to be heteronormative ;-)). The extremes of sexism probably won't result in a thought of "I hate this group so much that I don't even want them around." The extremes of racism do. Sexism leads to superiority, violence, etc. Racism leads to all that, and to elimination / exclusion.
Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama: Who's More Impacted by Prejudice?
Suppose Clinton and Obama try to leave the race / gender issues behind by acting more like the typical politician (eg, white male) - how does that impact how people view them? That is, what happens when a person violates the stereotypes of their race or gender?
Obama would be a black person acting "white". Some people might resent him for betraying "his people," but the general public probably wouldn't hold it against him too much.
Clinton, however, would be a woman acting like a man. Women who act like men are seen as cold bitches. Every candidate has opposition, but people hate Clinton on an emotional level that you don't see with other politicians. Ask someone why they hate George W. Bush, and you'll probably hear something about the war, economy, etc. With Clinton, you'll often get an articulate arguments such as, "I just hate her - she's a nasty person."
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If she acts feminine, she's too weak to be president. If she acts masculine, then she's a bitch.
Does that mean that Clinton faces more severe sexism than Obama does racism? No. The problems are just different. Sexism is more condoned in society, but racism can be more severe.
Then again, this is all coming from a white girl who lives in a city in the northwest. One should never forget how their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc affects their experience with prejudice.
Am I a Feminist?
Out of the 100 or so RSS feeds I read, Feministing and Feministe are two of the more interesting ones. Feminists are not man-hating - they're pro-equality. They're not anti-sex - they're believe in each person making their own choice. They are women and men. If I had to generalize about the actual beliefs of feminism, I'd say that they don't believe in generalization. They believe in the individual.
They believe that pharmacists should not be able to deny contraception to women.
They believe that it's wrong that teen girls in the media are either sexualized or picked on for being ugly (think: Chelsea Clinton in the 90s vs. the Olson twins)In Indiana, the state senate passed a measure that would allow pharmacists to refuse to do their jobs. If a woman wants contraception (including emergency contraception), pharmacists would be within their rights to refuse to fill her prescription. The bill’s sponsor initially said that it wouldn’t apply to contraception, only emergency contraception — a statement he later had to backtrack on, probably when someone informed him that emergency contraception is the exact same thing as standard birth control pills, just in a higher dose. Plus, you know, it’s contraception. And yet, “he claimed this week that it would not apply to birth control pills.”.
So there it is: ugly and worthless, or live bait/freak magnet. Those are the choices patriarchy offers to our girls. Picking on young girls for being awkward is cruel; so is sexualizing them. Men should just leave them alone until they’re grown up. But apparently that’s too much to ask.They believe that women should not have to live in fear in Iraq.
They support Clinton and Obama's views on reproductive rights - they do not support McCain's. They do not believe that you should support Clinton because she is female - in fact, many even support Obama.The images in the Basra police file are nauseating: Page after page of women killed in brutal fashion — some strangled to death, their faces disfigured; others beheaded. All bear signs of torture.
The women are killed, police say, because they failed to wear a headscarf or because they ignored other “rules” that secretive fundamentalist groups want to enforce.
They believe that abortion saves lives - literally and figuratively.
They believe that teens should have comprehensive sex education. Abstinence-only programs don't work.I have been an abortion provider since 1972. Why do I do abortions, and why do I continue to do abortions, despite two murder attempts?
The first time I started to think about abortion was in 1960, when I was in secondyear medical school. I was assigned the case of a young woman who had died of a septic abortion. She had aborted herself using slippery elm bark.
And Republicans have… outlawing abortion and telling people to keep their legs closed until they’re married. The very things that never work. And they oppose the measures that have been proven to decrease the abortion rate. Because they’re pro-life like that.They believe same-sex marriages should have the same rights as heterosexual marriages.
They oppose the harassment of abortion doctors.
They’re going after Dr. Tiller, a Kansas abortion provider, for approximately the 340,986th time. Dr. Tiller is a favorite of theirs because he’s one of the last abortion providers in Kansas, and he provides late-term abortions. One of their followers shot him in both arms a few years ago, his clinic has been vandalized on numerous occasions, his workers are regularly harassed, and he’s Target #1 for a “pro-life” movement that murders doctors. Tiller’s home address, family members’ information, and pictures are all posted on “pro-life” websites. For protection, he lives in a gated community, has a high-level security system surrounding his home, and wears a bullet-proof vest to work every day.They know that rape and assault happen to women everyday, and is often covered up. They believe that it must change.
Jamie Leigh Jones was raped by her American co-workers in Baghdad. She was then imprisoned in an effort to cover up her assault.They believe that sexism is rampant in this presidential election.
Using overtly sexist language, he has referred to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) as a "she devil" and compared her to a "strip-teaser." He has called her "witchy" and likened her voice to "fingernails on a blackboard." He has referred to men who support her as "castratos in the eunuch chorus." He has suggested Clinton is not "a convincing mom" and said "modern women" like Clinton are unacceptable to "Midwest guys." He has called her "Madame Defarge" and "Nurse Ratched."They believe that domestic violence is very real in the US - and it affects both men and women.
The CDC said 23.6 percent of women and 11.5 percent of men reported being a victim of what it called "intimate partner violence" at some time in their lives.They believe that calling teens who are having sex "sluts" does not solve the problem. Shame does not effectively discourage sex - it discourages teens from getting help.The CDC defined this as threatened, attempted or completed physical or sexual violence or emotional abuse by a spouse, former spouse, current or former boyfriend or girlfriend or a dating partner. The CDC estimates that 1,200 women are killed and 2 million injured in domestic violence annually.
A state lawmaker used a derogatory term Wednesday to describe unmarried teen parents as sexually promiscuous and complained that society condones premarital sex.They believe that sexism is alive and well in the US - even in children."In my parents' day and age, (unmarried teen parents) were sent away, they were shunned, they were called what they are," Republican Rep. Larry Liston said during a GOP legislative caucus meeting in Denver. "There was at least a sense of shame."
Liston continued: "There's no sense of shame today. Society condones it ... I think it's wrong. They're sluts. And I don't mean just the women. I mean the men, too."
Men presidents onlyThey believe that "gray rape" is a myth and it condones rape.I think that having a woman president would be a bad idea for our country. Women are not meant to rule countries and be in charge. They are meant to make decisions but not confirm them.
Our president deals with some countries that don't respect or allow women in leadership positions. I wonder if the United States would have more terrorist attacks because we would be seen as weak with a woman leader. I agree that women can do many things, but leave the ruling of the countries to the men.
BRITTANY BAYLES, 13, Kennewick
Rape can be confusing, it doesn't make it "gray." Feminists have long fought to dispel the myth that initially consenting to one form of intimacy does not make it okay for someone to force another kind on you. In this case, the young woman was hooking up with her eventual-attacker when he forced her to perform oral sex on him.They believe there are tough decisions in gender equality. Should you segregate buses by gender in Mexico to make them safe?
They believe that women's rights are changing each and every day.
Feminists believe in equality for men, women and transgendered individuals. They are pro-choice. They believe that teens should receive comprehensive sex education. They do not believe in shaming women on the grounds of their sexual decisions. They believe that sexual violence is a very real problem in the US and beyond. They believe that sexism - and many forms of prejudice - permeate the world.
So am I a feminist? Well, aren't you?
DISCLAIMER: No group can speak for the views of all its members. Opinions vary. Not all feminists are pro-choice, etc.
Form Happy - Happy Forms!
Prior to this, I had a simple little form app that I wrote. It wasn't great, but it kind-of-sort-of did the trick. There were two versions that I used for Seattle Anti-Freeze:
1) Public Access - anyone can add or remove rows. All updates get emailed to me.
2) View-Only Access - only admins can add or remove rows. Anyone can view the data.
For the "add yourself to the invite list" form, I used #1. This was mostly ok - I just had to be diligent about monitoring the list. I got a lot of comments about why there isn't more security on my forms, but it really wasn't a problem. Sure, I could lock stuff down with a password - but why? There's a balance between security and the user interface - more security is not always a good thing (although it would have been nice if a certain someone stopped adding Barney Stinson to my lists...).
For the guest list, I used #2. It let anyone view it but not edit it. Technically Google Spreadsheets could do this before, it was just a little more work to add rows (since you have to be logged in to gmail). Easy adding and removing, but there was no ability to edit the contents of a row. One day I fully meant to get around to implementing this, but now... meh.
Hellooooo forms. Beautiful. Perfect. I've got a little bit form happy today by replacing my old forms with new Google Spreadsheets form. I've got a new invite list form, an idea submission form, and a form to track the guest list for parties. Excellent.
And, you can monitor any changes to the docs via iGoogle. Wheeeee! This makes me a happy person.
Silly Bugs
Wed, Dec 26, 20073 hours west to east? Nope. Don't think so.
Philadelphia International Airport, (PHL) to Seattle/Tacoma International Airport, (SEA)
Flight: United Flight 2234 operated by US Airways (on Airbus A321-100/200)
Depart: 05:55 PM, Philadelphia, PA (PHL)
Arrive: 09:09 PM, Seattle/Tacoma, WA (SEA)
Total Travel Time: 3 hrs 14 mins
Sun, Sep 23, 2007Sorry.
Philadelphia International Airport, (PHL) to Seattle/Tacoma International Airport, (SEA)
Flight: US Airways Flight 753 ((on Airbus A321-100/200)
Depart: 05:55 PM, Philadelphia, PA (PHL)
Arrive: 08:57 PM Seattle/Tacoma, WA (SEA)
Total Travel Time: 3 hrs 2 mins
Mon, Sep 3, 2007Ooh... two hours coast-to-coast... I want to be on that plane!
Flight: Delta Air Lines Flight 533 ((on Boeing 757-200)
Depart: 02:23 PM, Atlanta, GA (ATL)
Arrive: 04:30 PM Seattle/Tacoma, WA (SEA)
Total Travel Time: 2 hrs 7 mins
And yet... it used to work at some point:
Tue, Feb 27, 2007At some point, between Feb 27 and Sept 3, Travelocity forgot what a timezone is. Travelocity still doesn't know. Nice work, guys.
Flight: United Flight 2032 Operated by US AIRWAYS( nonstop )
Depart: 08:35 AM, Seattle/Tacoma, WA (SEA)
Arrive: 04:31 PM, Philadelphia, PA (PHL)
Total Travel Time: 4hrs 56min
Google Seattle/Kirkland Tech Talks
February 21, 2008 6:30 - 9:00 PM | Web Archives & Interfaces for Social Studies of Online Action Kirsten Foot, Associate Professor of Communication, UW | Register Now |
March 20, 2008 6:30-9:00 PM | Here Come The Robots Helen Greiner, Co-founder and Chairman, iRobot Corp. | Register now |
Register at http://www.google.com/events
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