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MS Explorer Crashes

Really, name a cruise ship the MS Explorer, and of course it'll crash. Silly people. :-)
A Canadian cruise ship struck submerged ice off Antarctica and began sinking, but all 154 passengers and crew, Americans and Britons among them, took to lifeboats and were plucked to safety by a passing cruise ship.

The Chilean navy said the entire MS Explorer finally slipped beneath the waves Friday evening, about 20 hours after the predawn accident near Antarctica's South Shetland Islands.
No injuries have been reported.


Anonymous said...

Nice one !! :D

Kisalay said...

this is not related to ur post..
but i must confess, i am awed by google and the group of people that make google what it is today.

just read this piece:

and whenever i read about what google has achieved be it gfs, bigtable, map-reduce, sawzall, countless other innovations or the above initiative...
i am always awed by the simplicity and profoundness of every thought behind these...

It reminds me what queen Gorgo tells to Leonidas in the film 300:
"Its not a question of what a king or a son or a husband should do.. its about what a free man should do"
And somehow I feel the same freedom and clarity of choice in what Google does.

way to go google !! way to lead !!

Preet said...

That is just plain funny.

Anonymous said...

this is by design. It was preventative self-destruction before the cruise line was fatally exploited.

Please refer to KB000666 for more details.


We detected that an attempt was made to navigate in a dangerous direction (towards apple terittory).