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Company Loyalty = using Microsoft search to prep for a new job

Microsoft Loyalty Scorecard:
+ 1: Using Microsoft search at work.
- 1: Using Microsoft search to prepare for your upcoming interviews... at work.

Kumo is Microsoft's new search engine that was released internally this month. No one seems to be talking about it much externally, and it doesn't show up in Google Analytics under "Search Engines". Kumo is, however, listed as a referring site for my site, CareerCup, which helps prepare for technical interviews. Almost all the Kumo users are, of course, from Redmond with a couple in Bellevue and Toyko.

Well, hey - while it's not so nice to look for a new job while at work, at least you're using Microsoft's search engine to get there. Your boss must be thrilled.

But, if you're still looking for a new job, I've got one for you.